Leaving St. Louis
Ever have to get something done (i.e. write a blog post and pack your car), and instead it ends up looking like this?
"Oh! A new photo on Facebook!" "Wait, I'm hungry." "I need some candy." "I think I'll take a nap first." "Ew, I stink. I'll shower before I tackle that thing I have to do." "A cup of tea would be so cozy right now." "Oh, I'll Instagram that!" "Cozy cuppa tea on a rainy afternoon. #instatea #cozy #I'm secretly procrastinating by posting this photo # # # #####" "Oh! Another new picture on Facebook! *click click click* What do their Halloween costumes look like?" "I need a Halloween costume. What should I wear?" Googling: "best homemade cheap clever and potentially yet inadvertently sexy costumes" That should do the trick. "Bingo. All I need is a trash bag, a pair of scissors and some duct tape. Classy." "I still want an apple." "Maybe I'll just check to see if there's anything new on YouTube in the last four minutes." 4 hours later...
What was it I was supposed to be doing?
This lil guy!! We were expecting him to come mid-October, but he wanted to hang with his mom a bit longer before joining us in the world outside the womb. I don't blame him. But he timed it right, and made it just in time for Halloween with all the fun that entailed. Good work, my man!
There are quite a few entertaining stories that have transpired in the past few weeks, but I'll save that for another post. Another time. Another day.
Tomorrow I head to Kansas City, then off to Colorado and the Rockies! Bring on the snow.